The Black History Month Series: “We Have Changed the World”: Haiti’s and Haitian Contributions to the Black History Month (Year 2021)

In addition to our famous interview series (Haitian Thinkers in the Public Space: An Interview Series) with Haitian scholars and Haitianists, as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora in Haiti and in modern times, for the month of February (the “Black History Month”), we are highlighting Haiti’s (and Haitian) significant contributions to make the world a better place for our people and for all people. The series is called “We Have Changed the World”: Haiti’s and Haitian Contributions to the Black History Month (Year 2021).

During the month of February, we will share a daily post with our readers as a way to bridge the gap between the past, present, and the future regarding the Black experience and history in the nation of Haiti and the Haitian diaspora. So far, we have published six posts along this line of thought; to read them, click on the corresponding title below:

  1. Day 1: “On the Historicity and Credibility of the Bois Caiman Event (August 1791)”: Happy Black History Month from Rachel Beauvoir-Dominique
  2. Day 2: “The Four Big Words”: Happy Black History Month from Jean-Jacques Dessalines
  3. Day 3: “God and the Prayers of Black Women”: Happy Black History Month from Carl Brouard
  4. Day 4: Happy Black History Month from Jacques Stephen Alexis: “Jacques Stéphen Alexis’s Letter to François Duvalier” (1960)
  5. Day 5: On Black Liberty and Equality: Happy Black History Month from Toussaint L’Ouverture
  6. Day 6: “Against the Yankees”: Happy Black History Month from Charlemagne M. Péralte

*** To access the daily post associated with the Black History Month Series, simply click on the heading called “Our Interview Series” on the left side of the page.

Bonne lecture!

Happy Black History Month from Haiti!

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